Interlibrary Loan Request
Who Is Eligible
KU Law faculty, staff, and students may use the interlibrary loan (ILL) services of the Wheat Law Library. Emeritus law faculty, retired law staff, law adjuncts and visiting law faculty may also use the ILL services. Individuals not affiliated with KU Law should request ILL services from their academic, public or corporate library.
If the item you are interested in appears in the KU online catalog with a "Law Library" location but you cannot find it on the shelf, please submit a search request to the circulation desk. In most cases, circulation staff will need to complete an initial search before we will accept an interlibrary loan request. If there is a reason why you cannot use KU's copy please submit an interlibrary loan request and note the reason.
Interlibrary loan guidelines prohibit interlibrary loan requests for items that are already held by any KU Library.
What Can Be Requested
The ILL department can attempt to attain copies and loans of practically anything.
Primarily photocopies and books are available for loan. Some types of material such as video cassettes and dissertations may be more difficult to borrow.
There is no limit to the number of items you may request. However, if turning in a large number of requests at one time, it is a good idea to prioritize them. It may not be possible for staff to process all of them immediately, and if many items arrive in a short space of time, it might be difficult for you to consult them in the typically short time that lending libraries allow.
How to Submit Requests
Patrons may submit interlibrary requests one of three ways:
- Filling out a form at the circulation or reference desk: 200A Green Hall
- Phone: 785-864-9264
- Email:
What Are the Costs?
There is no charge to valid KU Law faculty, staff, students and affiliates who are in good standing with the University of Kansas Libraries for interlibrary loans.
Patrons are responsible for paying any overdue or replacement fees set by the lending library for late, damaged or lost ILL items.
Contact the Library
Circulation Desk
Reference Questions