Next Steps for Admitted Students

Two professors lead a walk with a large group of KU Law students across campus

What's next?

Congratulations on being admitted to KU Law! Next, you have important steps to take to prepare for your arrival. Let’s get started.

Ready to make your seat deposit?

Submit your deposit today to reserve your spot in the Class of 2028.

What to do right now


  • Submit your deposit to enroll

    Ready to join the first-year class at KU Law? Submit your seat deposit using our online response form. All students who submit their seat deposit will be enrolled in their first semester of classes by the law school registrar.

  • Create a KU online ID

    As a first step, you’ll need to set up your personal KU account, which requires an online ID and password. You’ll use your ID to access crucial online services, including Enroll & Pay, university email, Blackboard and Canvas, and your myKU portal.

  • Schedule a visit to Green Hall

    Admitted students are invited to visit Green Hall to sit in on a first-year class and tour the law school with a current student. Class visits are available on most days when law school classes are in session.


  • File your FAFSA

    The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) becomes available online on Oct. 1. You must file this form to be considered for federal loans, grants, and some state and university aid.

  • Follow KU Law

    We encourage you to follow KU Law on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and to become a regular reader of the KU Law Blog. Stay up to date on school news and stories from the law school.

  • Clear enrollment holds

    You do not need to take any additional action to enroll unless you have a hold on your student record. Once you’ve set up your KU online ID, log in to Enroll & Pay and check for enrollment holds. Look for holds in the rightmost column of the Enroll & Pay Student Center.

Before arriving on campus


  • Duty to update

    It is your duty to notify the Office of Admissions if there are any changes in the answers you submitted on your application, specifically any character and fitness issues. Read more about the character and fitness disclosure requirement.

  • Review your financial aid package

    KU Law’s admissions office works closely with the KU Office of Financial Aid on financial aid packages. Our office will update you as this process moves forward. If you have questions about your financial aid package once it has posted, contact the KU Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships.

  • Submit final transcripts

    LSAC must receive your final transcript by August 20. Absent extraordinary circumstances, an administrative hold will be placed on your KU account if you do not meet this deadline. A failure to deliver final transcripts by October 15 will further result in an administrative withdrawal and full dismissal without refund from the program. Review the refund policy and refund schedule.


  • Find housing

    Locating housing in Lawrence is typically very easy. Visit the Housing page to find directories of available listings and the KU Graduate Studies housing guide specifically for graduate students. Admitted students can find roommates by posting in the entering class Facebook group.

  • Register for the Entering Student Program

    The Entering Student Program is KU Law’s orientation for first-year students. Orientation is held before classes start in August.

  • Submit immunization forms

    Students new to the University of Kansas must submit immunization records to Watkins Health Services. You can submit these records in advance. More information and related forms are available from Watkins Health Services.

When you arrive on campus


  • Pick up your KU ID card

    All admitted students receive a KU ID card, which is their official university documentation. You can request your card and submit your photo for it ahead of time. Visit the KU Card Center website to learn how to request and pick up your first KU ID card.

  • Complete EVERFI

    All new students, faculty, and staff are required to complete EVERFI, KU’s online sexual assault prevention training. Admitted students should check their email for more information about requirements, deadlines, and completing the course.


  • Purchase textbooks

    Course schedules and section assignments are made in July. We will notify the class when assignments are made and schedules are available in Enroll & Pay. Book lists are available shortly after that. Textbooks are available through the KU Bookstore and online vendors.

  • Get KU Law merchandise

    Want to show your KU Law spirit? The Student Bar Association offers merchandise to announce your ties to the law school. Visit the SBA Store to browse the selection and place an order. Admitted students also receive a special KU Law T-shirt. Watch your email to request yours.

Character & Fitness Disclosure Requirement

On the application for admission, KU Law requires applicants to disclose information related to the character and fitness necessary to practice law, including criminal conduct. (See Question 11 on the application for admission for the full scope of the question.)

If you have not fully disclosed such conduct, you should amend your application as soon as possible. To amend, submit a signed letter to Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Leah Terranova at, explaining the conduct and the reason that you did not initially disclose it on your original application. The signed letter will be added to your law school application as an amendment.

This duty to disclose is a continuous duty – meaning that you must notify the law school if you engage in conduct covered in the Character & Fitness question any time after the submission of your application, including while you are a law student.

Admission to the bar in all states involves character, fitness and other qualifications. Applicants are encouraged to determine what those requirements are in the state(s) in which they intend to practice by consulting the website of the National Conference of Bar Examiners. Should you need clarification about whether you have a duty to report your situation, please contact Dean Terranova at


Steven Freedman, Associate Dean for Admissions
Sybil Gibbs, Scholarship Coordinator

103 Green Hall