About the Library


The Wheat Law Library supports the study, teaching and resource needs of the KU Law community. Library staff also provide services to KU Law alumni and the general public.

The library's resources comprise nearly 400,000 volumes including microforms, over 4,000 journals, and advanced digital legal research resources. Our services include reference, teaching, and other bibliographic assistance.

In April of 2003, the library was renamed the Wheat Law Library in honor of Douglas D. and Laura L. Wheat, generous supporters of the library and law school.

The Wheat Law Library supports the legal research needs of the students and faculty of the University of Kansas. The library is also open to members of the bench and bar, governmental officials, and the general public. Any person desiring to use law books and other legal materials may do so in the library. Kansas residents not connected with the University of Kansas may borrow law library materials upon proper registration at Watson Library or at the Wheat Law Library.

The Wheat Law Library is a research facility, and its materials are the indispensable tools of the legal profession. Many are of a reference nature and must be accessible at all times to researchers. Consequently, much of the collection cannot be borrowed for use outside the library. The library also offers a computer lab for the exclusive use of law students.

Library Staff


Library Policies

Visit the User Services & Policies page for a full list of user services and library policies for KU Law students, law faculty, KU Law alumni and the general public.



Call Number Locations

Access a list of call number locations in Wheat Law Library.

Reference Collection

Special legal reference materials available on the second floor are local Shepard's Citators, indexes to legal periodical literature, and directories of attorneys and law firms. The collection also includes dictionaries, bibliographies, a few local telephone books and other finding aids of both a legal and general nature. There is also a selection of reference materials available online.

Reserve Materials

Reserve Materials may be checked out for 4 hours.

Dictionary Stands

A dictionary stand is located on floors one (in the large study room), three, four and five. Each stand includes:

  • A law dictionary
  • An English language dictionary
  • Bieber's Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations

Atlas Stand

Political, economic and historical maps of Kansas, the United States and the world are found on the atlas stand on the third floor outside the computer lab.

Online Services

Computers in the library provide access to a wide number of databases. Some of the databases are only indexes; others provide bibliographic information or actual data including statutes, regulations and cases. Please see a reference librarian for assistance with any of these services. Some require special passwords for access while others are easily accessed without assistance.

The KU Libraries have subscriptions to a wide variety of web-accessible databases which can be used by all KU students and staff connecting to the Internet.

Computerized Legal Research

The law library subscribes to Bloomberg Law, LEXIS+, and Westlaw Edge legal information retrieval systems that include in their databases statutes, reports from federal and state courts, selected administrative materials, law review articles, and other legal and related sources. Training is necessary and required for all law students taking the Appellate Advocacy course. Instructional sessions for other law students are also available by reservation. Training sessions are conducted regularly.

Bloomberg Law, LEXIS+, and Westlaw Edge are accessible over the internet and from computers outside of Suite 306. Students with passwords can also gain access anywhere through their websites. These three databases may be used by the KU Law School community only; use by non-law-school-affiliated patrons is prohibited under the terms of our contracts.

In addition, the library provides free access to many government and legal databases by linking these databases to our website. Our website is regularly updated. Please check it out periodically for new and updated information.

Please see a reference librarian for assistance with any of these services.

U.S. Government Documents

The Law Library is a selective depository for U.S. Government Publications. All docs have been integrated into the regular collections and are shelved in LC classification order. Archival documents issued in microform are stored in the microform cabinets in the Reserve Area. The collection focuses mainly on judicial and Congressional materials. 

Microform Collection

This collection in the Reserve Area contains Native American resources, Supreme Court Records & Briefs, and various other archival materials. We have a microform reader/printer/scanner and a librarian can scan or print pages free of charge; please ask at the Reference Desk.

Rice Collection

The Raymond F. Rice Collection, located on the fifth floor, has been provided by the late Raymond F. Rice, L'1908 and a former member of the School of Law faculty, for the use of the faculty, judges, members of the practicing bar and visiting scholars.

The Rice Collection includes selected United States and Kansas primary materials, selected primary search materials and major law reviews. Some treatises and dictionaries are also provided for use in the Rice Room.

Library Policies

Visit the User Services & Policies page for a full list of user services and library policies for KU Law students, law faculty, KU Law alumni and the general public.



Call Number Locations

Access a list of call number locations in Wheat Law Library.

Reference Collection

Special legal reference materials available on the second floor are local Shepard's Citators, indexes to legal periodical literature, and directories of attorneys and law firms. The collection also includes dictionaries, bibliographies, a few local telephone books and other finding aids of both a legal and general nature. There is also a selection of reference materials available online.

Reserve Materials

Reserve Materials may be checked out for 4 hours.

Dictionary Stands

A dictionary stand is located on floors one (in the large study room), three, four and five. Each stand includes:

  • A law dictionary
  • An English language dictionary
  • Bieber's Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations

Atlas Stand

Political, economic and historical maps of Kansas, the United States and the world are found on the atlas stand on the third floor outside the computer lab.

Online Services

Computers in the library provide access to a wide number of databases. Some of the databases are only indexes; others provide bibliographic information or actual data including statutes, regulations and cases. Please see a reference librarian for assistance with any of these services. Some require special passwords for access while others are easily accessed without assistance.

The KU Libraries have subscriptions to a wide variety of web-accessible databases which can be used by all KU students and staff connecting to the Internet.

Computerized Legal Research

The law library subscribes to Bloomberg Law, LEXIS+, and Westlaw Edge legal information retrieval systems that include in their databases statutes, reports from federal and state courts, selected administrative materials, law review articles, and other legal and related sources. Training is necessary and required for all law students taking the Appellate Advocacy course. Instructional sessions for other law students are also available by reservation. Training sessions are conducted regularly.

Bloomberg Law, LEXIS+, and Westlaw Edge are accessible over the internet and from computers outside of Suite 306. Students with passwords can also gain access anywhere through their websites. These three databases may be used by the KU Law School community only; use by non-law-school-affiliated patrons is prohibited under the terms of our contracts.

In addition, the library provides free access to many government and legal databases by linking these databases to our website. Our website is regularly updated. Please check it out periodically for new and updated information.

Please see a reference librarian for assistance with any of these services.

U.S. Government Documents

The Law Library is a selective depository for U.S. Government Publications. All docs have been integrated into the regular collections and are shelved in LC classification order. Archival documents issued in microform are stored in the microform cabinets in the Reserve Area. The collection focuses mainly on judicial and Congressional materials. 

Microform Collection

This collection in the Reserve Area contains Native American resources, Supreme Court Records & Briefs, and various other archival materials. We have a microform reader/printer/scanner and a librarian can scan or print pages free of charge; please ask at the Reference Desk.

Rice Collection

The Raymond F. Rice Collection, located on the fifth floor, has been provided by the late Raymond F. Rice, L'1908 and a former member of the School of Law faculty, for the use of the faculty, judges, members of the practicing bar and visiting scholars.

The Rice Collection includes selected United States and Kansas primary materials, selected primary search materials and major law reviews. Some treatises and dictionaries are also provided for use in the Rice Room.

Contact the Library

Circulation Desk

Reference Questions