Dean's Message

Hello, and welcome. As Dean of the University of Kansas School of Law, I am honored to introduce you to our program. For more than 145 years, KU Law has been preparing students to be responsible and dedicated members of the legal profession. We are a law school with a proud tradition of world-class teaching and scholarship, academic excellence, experiential learning and community service.
The knowledge and skills our students gain over three years in Green Hall form the foundation of their legal careers. At KU Law, students can be assured that the foundation they build will support their professional goals, whatever they might be.
The learning environment at KU Law is challenging, yet collegial. The diversity of the student body’s backgrounds and opinions creates a rich classroom environment. That environment is supported by faculty members who are outstanding lawyers and who are known, nationally and internationally, as outstanding scholars in their fields. What makes the learning environment at KU Law unique, however, are the relationships between the students and the faculty. KU Law professors are open and accessible to students – and truly committed to teaching, both in and out of the classroom.
KU Law students become part of a proud history. The University of Kansas was established by a determined group of abolitionists with the personal courage and integrity to take a stand against slavery. They envisioned a free state in which every citizen would have legal rights and the protection of the law. When you walk around Green Hall, you will see composite photographs of generations of law students. From the earliest classes, those pictures include the faces of students of color and women. Through our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, we remain committed to providing a welcoming environment for everyone.
Our law school offers a broad and varied curriculum and a wide array of extracurricular learning opportunities. Students can choose to pursue a general legal education or specialize through one of our eight certificate programs. We have 10 joint-degree programs, all of which allow students to obtain both a J.D. and a master’s degree on an accelerated basis. An extensive experiential learning program allows students to begin their legal training by working in a prosecutor's office or representing inmates, serving in a judge’s chambers, or providing legal assistance to the underserved. We are committed to providing these educational opportunities at a reasonable rate of tuition.
A law degree from KU grants students access to a large and loyal alumni network. Our graduates practice in law firms of all sizes; act as corporate counsel or as chief executive officers; and serve at all levels of government. Many serve as state and federal judges, elected leaders and law professors. When our students complete their legal education and take their places as members of the bar, KU lawyers are there to welcome them.
I encourage you to explore our website to learn more about our programs and all the ways you can connect with KU Law.
Stephen Mazza
Dean and Professor of Law
KU School of Law