Research & Scholarship
KU Law ranks 43rd overall and 19th among public law schools for scholarly impact, according to a 2024 study. Many professors are authors of textbooks and casebooks used in classes at KU and in law schools across the U.S. and overseas.
Faculty regularly present their research in presentations and lectures at conferences and law schools across the nation and around the globe.
Learn about recent research, scholarship, service and publications from the faculty at the University of Kansas School of Law.
Faculty Scholarship Highlights
Faculty regularly publish articles and studies in their fields. Recent examples include law review articles, casebooks and book chapters. Learn about previous publications and accomplishments in the Faculty News Archive.
Environmental vision misses mark
Professor John Head has published a new scholarly article arguing that while the goals were noble, the international community has fallen short of meeting the aims of the Stockholm Conference.

Whistleblower program lacking transparency
According to a new study by Alexander Platt, associate professor of law, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is becoming increasingly secretive regarding some of its own activities - even as it is increasingly aggressive in demanding disclosures from private actors.

Professor argues for arbitration precedent
Professor Stephen Ware has written an article and spoken at judicial and academic conferences urging courts to follow the many precedents enforcing arbitration agreements notwithstanding “rejection” in bankruptcy.

Education privacy law failing
New research from Associate Professor Najarian Peters argues that the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, known as FERPA, should be enhanced to add more protections to prevent the inclusion of inaccurate and misleading data, known as dirty data, in the education record.

Equal voice in switch to renewable energy
Professor Uma Outka is a co-principal investigator on a project to give communities a voice in policy guiding the transition to renewable energy, supported by a $500,000 grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Innovation in scholarly communication
Professor Corey Rayburn Yung is one of two recipients of the 2022 David Shulenburger Award for Innovation & Advocacy in Scholarly Communication, granted by the KU Libraries. Yung is recognized for his publication of two OER law textbooks that have helped reduce costs for students in a particularly expensive field.

Faculty Service Highlights
In addition to scholarship and teaching, our faculty serve in leadership positions with professional organizations and contribute to legal research projects.
International service
Raj Bhala, Brenneisen Distinguished Professor, testified to the House of Commons International Trade Committee about the use of free trade agreements to advance the rights of women and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Professor becomes editor of legal education blog
Melanie Daily recently became editor of the Best Practices for Legal Education blog. The influential online outlet discusses, documents and records reforms in legal education. Daily has been a blog commentator and author for several years.

Recent Faculty Books

Trade War: Causes, Conduct, and Consequences of Sino-American Confrontation

Principles of Arbitration Law