Michael H. Hoeflich

- John H. & John M. Kane Distinguished Professor of Law
Contact Info
Biography —
Michael Hoeflich holds degrees from Haverford College, Cambridge University and Yale Law School. He taught at the University of Illinois from 1980-1988, was dean of the Syracuse University College of Law from 1988-1994, and was dean at the University of Kansas School of Law from 1994-2000. Hoeflich is the author or editor of more than 15 books and 115 articles. He previously served as the director of the M.S. in Homeland Security: Law & Policy degree program at KU Law. He is the principal investigator on a five-year, $1.5 million Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence grant to the University of Kansas.
In 2021, Hoeflich was the recipient of a Higuchi-KU Endowment Research Achievement Award, the state higher education system’s most prestigious recognition for scholarly excellence. Hoeflich received the Balfour Jeffrey Award in Humanities & Social Sciences for his significant research contributions to legal history and ethics.
Hoeflich is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society, a member of the American Antiquarian Society and the Kansas Correspondent of the Selden Society. He was awarded an honorary degree (LL.D.) by Baker University in 2003.
Education —
Research —
- Ethics
- Comparative law
- Contracts
- Legal history
New York 1980
Career History
Associate, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, New York City 1979-80; Assistant Professor, Illinois 1981-84; Associate Professor 1984-86; Professor and University Scholar 1986-88; Dean & Professor of Law & History, Syracuse 1988-94; Professor of Law, Kansas since 1994; Dean, Kansas 1994-2000; John H. & John M. Kane Professor of Law, 1997-present.
Teaching —
Contracts, Copyright, Law and the Arts, Legal History, Professional Responsibility
Selected Publications —
- "Lawyers in the Mail: The Image of Lawyers in Printed Ephemera, 1880-1960 (2012)
- "Justice on the Prairie: 150 Years of the Federal District Court in Kansas" (2011)
- "Legal Publishing in Antebellum America, 1780-1870" (2010)
- "Roman Law and Forensic Oratory in Antebellum America," 120 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte 189 (2003)
- "Translation and the Reception of Foreign Law in Antebellum American," 50 American Journal of Comparative Law 753 (2003)
- "The Lawyer as Pragmatic Reader: The History of Legal Common-Placing," 55 Arkansas Law Review 87 (2002)
- "Lawyers, Fees & Anti-Lawyer Sentiment in Popular Art, 1800-1925," 4 The Green Bag 147 (2001)
- "Roman & Civil Law & the Development of Anglo-American Jurisprudence" (1997)
- "Cases & Materials on Federal Taxation of Deferred Compensation" (with C. Watson) (1989)
- "The Gladsome Light of Jurisprudence: Learning the Law in England and the United States in the 18th and 19th Centuries" (1988)
- "Essays in Property Law and Legal Education in Honor of John Cribbet" (ed. with P. Hay) (1988)
Memberships —
American Law Institute; Selden Society; Editor, Law & History Review, 1988-89; Editor, Roman Legal Tradition, 2002-present