Najarian R. Peters

- Associate Professor of Law
- Linda D. Ferrell and Richard C. Tombari Honors Faculty Fellow, University Honors Program
Contact Info
Personal Links
Biography —
Najarian R. Peters earned her J.D. at Notre Dame Law School and her B.A. at Xavier University of Louisiana. Professor Peters’ research focuses on privacy law, child law, home-education, emerging technology and legal history. Since 2018, she has been a faculty associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. She teaches the following courses: Marginalized Bodies in Literature, Medicine, and Law; Torts; Privacy Law; and The Practice of Privacy Law. She has recently developed a course called AI, Ethics and the Law. In addition to the Kansas Personal Injury Law treatise for LexisNexis published in 2024, she currently has two additional book projects: tentatively titled Privacy, Racial and Gender Marginality, and Marronage in Modernity: Privacy, Technology, and Black Liberation. Her law articles and essays have been published in national and international journals including the Michigan Journal of Race & Law, University of California Law Review, Washington & Lee Law Review, and Seton Hall Law Review, as well as the 5Rights Foundation’s Digital Futures Commission publication Education Data Futures: Critical, Regulator and Practical Reflections. Professor Peters created the new privacy focused conference PrivacyPraxis in 2020 and co-designed the Wellness in Democracy series at KU that she has co-hosted since 2022, which focuses on misinformation and disinformation. Professor Peters was recognized as the Linda D. Ferrell and Richard C. Tombari Honors Faculty Fellow at the University of Kansas in fall of 2023.
Education —
Research —
Teaching and Research Interests
- Privacy
- Child Law
- Torts
- Contracts
- Corporate Governance
- Compliance and Ethics (Healthcare)
- Administrative Law
- Professional Responsibility
- Jurisprudence
New Jersey 2008
Career History
Associate Professor of Law, University of Kansas School of Law, 2020-present; Faculty Associate, Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, 2019-present; Inaugural Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor, Seton Hall Law School's Institute for Privacy, 2017-July 2020; Compliance Manager, Panasonic North America, 2015-2017; Healthcare and Privacy Compliance Consultant, Self-employed, 2014-2019; Chief Compliance/Privacy Officer and Risk Manager, National Healthcare Associates, 2013-2014; Senior Compliance and HIPAA Privacy Officer, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, 2009-2013; Research Compliance Senior Auditor/Specialist, Weill Cornell Medical College, 2007-2009; Compliance Coordinator/Policy Analyst, Capital Area Human Services Mental Healthcare District, 2006-2007; Emergency Room Coordinator/Insurance Compliance Reviewer, Lake Charles Memorial Hospital, 2002-2003.
Teaching —
Torts; Privacy Law; The Practice of Privacy Law; Marginalized Bodies in Literature, Medicine, and the Law
Selected Publications —
- Marronage and Modernity: Privacy, Technology, and Black Liberation (forthcoming 2027)
- Privacy and Race Casebook (forthcoming 2027)
- Kansas Personal Injury Law (2024)
Law Review Articles and Essays
- The Golem In The Machine: FERPA, Dirty Data, and Digital Distortion in the Education Record, Work in Progress, Washington and Lee Law Review, Vol 78:5 (2022)
- Parallel Pandemics: The American Problem of Anti-enforcement, Rational Distrust and COVID-19, Seton Hall Law Review Vol. 52 (2021)
- The Soft Shoe and Shuffle of Law School Hiring Committee Practices, UCLA Law Review Discourse, 69 UCLA L. Rev. Disc. (2021)
- The Right To Be and Become: Black Home-Educators As Child Privacy Protectors, Michigan Journal of Race and Law Vol. 25.1 (August 2020)
Works in Progress
- Racial Privacy & The Law: An American Tradition
- Intrusion Upon Racial Seclusion
Selected Presentations —
- Racial Privacy: An American Tradition, AALS Conference, San Francisco, CA, Defamation and Privacy Group (2025)
- Human Dignity, Discernment, Justice and AI, KU Honors Faculty, Lawrence, KS (2025)
- Modern Marronage and Opacite, KU Honors/Common Cause, Lawrence, KS (2024)
- Over 230 Years of Black American Home Education as Child Data Protection and Educational Opportunity Ignored By American Jurisprudence, Global Home Education Conference, Manchester, UK, July 2024
- Passing Power: The American Tradition of Racial and Ethnic Privacy, Lutie Lytle Conference and Writing Workshop, Duke Law, June 2024
- Wellness in Our Democracy Program: Historical Fact, Whiteness, and the Challenge to Preserve our Democracy, February 21, 2024
- Education for Freedom Praxis: The Enduring Significance for Black Home Education, International School Choice and Reform Conference, Madrid, Spain January 2024
- Wellness in Our Democracy Program: Octavia Butler and Democracy in the US, December 2023
- Marronage and Modernity: Privacy, Technology, and Black Liberation, Chapters Three and Four, Slavery Past, Present, and Future, 7th Global Meeting, Webster University in Accra, Ghana July 2-8, 2023
- Maroonage and Modernity: Privacy, Technology, and Black Liberation, Chapters Three and Four, 17th Annual Lutie Lytle Black Women Law Faculty Workshop and Writing Retreat, June 22-29, 2023
- Foundations of Law As a Social Determinant of Health and Legal History Parts I-III; Marginalized Bodies in the Law Lecture, University of Kansas, on January 20, 2022
- Citizenship, Dignity, and Bodily Security, Marginalized Bodies in the Law Lecture on January 27, 2022
- Legal Foundations: Class, Race, and Other-Based Disparities, Marginalized Bodies in the Law Lecture, University of Kansas on February 3, 2022
- Eugenics and Disability, Marginalized Bodies in the Law Lecture, University of Kansas on February 24, 2022
- Phenotype, Blood Quantum, Transgender Identity & the Law, Marginalized Bodies in the Law Lecture, University of Kansas on April 7, 2022
- Medical Debacles from Experimentation to the Plague, Marginalized Bodies in the Law Lecture, University of Kansas on April 14, 2022
- Anti-Asian Sentiment & Health, Marginalized Bodies in the Law Lecture, University of Kansas on April 21, 2022
- The Golem In The Machine: FERPA, Dirty Data, and Digital Distortion in the Education Record, University of Kansas, Hall Center for the Humanities (May 2021).
- Parallel Pandemics and Rational Distrust, Guest Lecturer, Marginalized Bodies & Medicine In Literature, University of Kansas Department of English (April 2021).
- The Urgency of Radical Self-Care, University of Kansas Center for Teaching Excellence Learning Community (April 2021).
- Passing to Plessy: Racial Privacy as Tradition, Drake Law School (April 2021).
- Comparative Digital Privacy Seminar, Guest Lecturer, Harvard Law School (March 2021).
- Inaugural Virtual Privacy Praxis Conference, created and convened, University of Kansas School of Law (February 2021).
- The Urgency of Radical Self-Care, University of Kansas Center for Teaching Excellence (February 2021).
- Privacy Law Opportunities, University of Kansas School of Law (February 2021).
- The Golem In The Machine: FERPA, Dirty Data, and Digital Distortion in the Education Record, Missouri University School of Law (December 2020).
- Engaging Community Trust Through Policy Prototyping, Let’s Talk About Privacy Webinar Series, MIT Lab/Center for Civic Media (June 2020).
- Blockchain, Cannabis, and Privacy, Webinar, International Cannabis Bar Association (March 2020).
- Blockchain, Cannabis, and Fintech, Webinar, International Cannabis Bar Association (February 2020).
- The Right To Be and Become: Black Home-Educators As Child Privacy Protectors, University of Kansas School of Law (November 2019).
- Child Privacy and Artificial Intelligence, Gamm Symposium at Tulane University Law (November 2019).
- Child Privacy and Artificial Intelligence, Second Istanbul Privacy Symposium: Law, Ethics, and Technology, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey (Invited November 2019).
- Black Parents As Child Privacy Protectors, Lutie Lytle Conference and Writing Workshop (Summer 2019).
- Black Parents As Child Privacy Protectors, Privacy Law Scholars Conference (Summer 2019).
- Black Parents and Child Privacy Protection, 4th National People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference (Spring 2019).
- General Data Protection Regulation and Blockchain, NJICLE Corporate Counsel Institute Panel on AI (Spring 2019).
- What Life Sciences Companies Need to Know About Employee Use of Social Media, Porzio Compliance Forum, Seton Hall Law School (Spring 2018).
- African-American Homeschooling: Parental Protection of Child Privacy and Personhood, Lutie Lytle Conference and Writing Retreat (Summer 2018).
- Artificial Intelligence and the Law, Future of AI, Seton Hall Law Conference (Spring 2018).
- TMI: The Privacy Risk of Social Media Addiction, Institute for Privacy Protection School Outreach Program (Fall 2017).
- DSRIP-NY and Telehealth, Panasonic N.A., Health and Wellness Business Unit (Fall 2016).
- Patient Privacy and Telehealth, Panasonic N.A., Health and Wellness Business Unit (Spring 2015).
- HIPPA & Patient Privacy Protection, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (Fall 2012).
- Stanford v. Roche: Getting Our Contracts Right, Compliance Committee, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (Fall 2011).
- Fair Market Value Analysis Under Stark and Anti-kickback, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (Spring 2009).
- Cultural Competencies: Physicians and Compliance Administrators, Research Compliance, Weill Cornell Medical School (Fall 2008).
- A Poisoned Gift? Primary Healthcare and Dependency in Post-Apartheid South Africa; Alliance For International Minority Scholars Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (Summer 2003).
- Monetary Policy and Dollarization in Nicaragua and Cuba, Study Abroad Student Conference, Xavier University of Louisiana, (Fall 2002).
- I Hear You, Do You Hear Me?: Community Health Needs, Social Capital, and Communication in Post-Apartheid South Africa; Valley Trust, Bothas Hills, South Africa (Summer 2001).