Volunteer Honor Roll: KU Law Magazine 2021

Jabari Wamble speaks during an alumni panel
Jabari Wamble, L’06, speaks during an alumni panel at 2L/3L Orientation in August 2021. Panelists included Visiting Assistant Professor Jordan Carter, L’15; Ben Ashworth, L’15; Alison McCourt, L’15; and Samantha Sweley, L’15. Photo: KU Marketing

The Volunteer Honor Roll recognizes the many KU Law graduates who donate time, energy and expertise to the law school. 

They mentor and stage mock interviews with students, guest lecture in law classes and at student organization events, judge moot court rounds, host alumni receptions, serve on boards and otherwise volunteer for the benefit of the law school and future generations of KU lawyers.

Names that follow represent volunteer efforts from April 2020 to April 2021. If you are aware of omissions or errors, please contact Margaret Hair at mhair@ku.edu.

Get Involved

Want to give back to KU Law with your time and talent? There are many opportunities to mentor, serve, speak and supervise. Learn more and sign up to volunteer.

Career Mentors

Jennifer Ananda, L’10
Rhavean King Anderson, L’18
Michael Andrusak, L’13
Karen Baddeley, L’17
Marisa Bayless, L’17
Brutrinia Cain, L’09
Matthew Cooper, L’15
Danielle Crowder, L’10
Ebonie Davis, L’13
Bryan Didier, L’04
Kellee Dunn-Walters, L’86
Crystal Ellison, L’15
Hon. Amy Fellows Cline, L’00
Brad Finkeldei, L’99
Michael Fischer, L’07
Elsa Fraire, L’13
Karen Gleason, L’95
Annie Goulart, L’18
Steven Grieb, L’07
Tonda Hill, L’12
Martha Hodgesmith, L’78
Tyler Holmes, L’14
Lauren Hughes, L’16
Irene Jan, L’07
Stacey Janssen, L’88
Chris Kaufman, L’10
Shannon Keating, L’13
Claire Kebodeaux, L’18
Andrew Kershen, L’17
Hon. Paul Klepper, L’09
Samuel LaRoque, L’18
Crystal Cook Leftridge, L’13
Joshua Maxfield, L’99
Maxwell McGraw, L’17
Nolan McWilliams, L’08
Ayesha Mehdi, L’10
Kate Marples Simpson, L’14
Benjamin Miller-Coleman, L’10
Diane Minear, L’04
Maureen Orth Moeder, L’16
Hilliard Moore, L’11
Hillary Nicholas, L’15
Stephen Nichols, L’18
Hon. Robert Nugent, L’80
Aqmar Rahman, L’15
Robin Randolph, L’16
Barbie Reinard, L’12
Bethany Roberts, L’03
Jason Romero, L’09
Nicole Smith, L’15
Amanda Stanley, L’14
Angela Stillwagon, L’19
Lindsay Strong, L’18
Jennifer Tucker, L’10
Bill Walberg, L’15
Marlon Williams, L’94
Issaku Yamaashi, L’00
Sara Zafar, L’08
John-Mark Zini, L’12

Chris Green, L’17, and Brad Finkeldei, L’99, participate in a panel on the business of law during 2L/3L Orientation
Chris Green, L’17, and Brad Finkeldei, L’99, participate in a panel on the business of law during 2L/3L Orientation.

Experiential Learning Supervisors

Megan Carroll, L’18
Matthew Cohen, L’18
Hon. Daniel Crabtree, L’81
Alexandra English, L’08
Hon. Paul Gurney, L’82
Hon. David Hauber, L’83
Lori Heasty, L’95
Hon. Teresa James, L’84
Hon. Janice Miller Karlin, L’80
Hon. Timothy Lahey, L’84
Hon. Steve Leben, L’82
Hon. Julie Robinson, L’81
Kaylie Schmutz, L’18
Hon. Kathryn Vratil, L’75
Kathleen Watson, L’16
Hon. Robert Wonnell, L’02
Hon. William Woolley, L’86

Student Recruitment

Zak Beasley, L’15 
Megan Carroll, L’18
Jordan Carter, L’15 
Matthew Cohen, L’18
Jake McMillian, L’15
Kaylie Schmutz, L’18
Monica Sosa, L’19 
Bill Walberg, L’15

 Jeffrey Peier, L’83, speaks during a panel on careers in aviation law.
Jeffrey Peier, L’83, speaks during a panel on careers in aviation law.

Guest Lecturers, Speakers and Panelists

Ava Azad, L’14
Vedrana Balta, L’09
Jeb Bayer, L’80
C.J. Boyd, L’17
Maggie Brakeville, L’20
Gerry Brenneman, L’85
Preston Bukaty, L’14
Dan Cranshaw, L’03
Trip Frizell, L’80
Kate Gleeson, L’12
Jennifer Hackman, L’15
Katie Harpstrite, L’07
Scott Herpich, L’95
Robert Hingula, L’04
Tyler Holmes, L’14
Hon. Teresa James, L’84
Bob Johnson, L’08
Kraig Kohring, L’92
Bill Mahood, L’93
Clarissa Howley Mills, L’13
Pat O’Bryan, L’05
Hon. Julie Robinson, L’81
Ellen Rudolph, L’18
Lisa Schultes, L’85
Danielle Onions Sediqzad, L’16
Devin Sikes, L’08
Branden Smith, L’06
Eric Witmer, L’17
Brian Wolf, L’08
Cody Wood, L’17

Hon. Toby Crouse, L’00, gives a presentation about judicial clerkships.
Hon. Toby Crouse, L’00, gives a presentation about judicial clerkships.

On-Campus Interviews

Quentin Aker, L’20
Susan Alig, L’11
Christopher Allman, L’89
William Bahr, L’97
James Houston Bales, L’17
Kasey Barton, L’09
Diane Bellquist, L’02
Jonathan Benevides, L’09
Kyle Binns, L’07
Kailea Bogner, L’17
Kristiane Bryant, L’05
Brian Burge, L’03
Karlee Canaday, L’19
Meryl Carver-Allmond, L’06
Heather Cessna, L’03
Timothy Davis, L’10
Bryan Didier, L’04
Lauren Douville, L’12
Andrew Ellis, L’11
Michael Fischer, L’07
Jeff Garrett, L’08
Andrew Geren, L’13
Karen Gleason, L’95
Colin Gotham, L’00
Brandon Henry, L’03
Stacey Janssen, L’88
Milos Jekic, L’11
Seth Jones, L’09
Christopher Joseph, L’00
Chris Kaufman, L’10
Claire Kebodeaux, L’18
Andrew Kovar, L’07
Brad LaForge, L’01
Kristy Lambert, L’91
John Larson, L’89
Kurt Level, L’92
Stephanie Lovett-Bowman, L’10
Terelle Mock, L’04
Casey Murray, L’05
Jeffrey Nichols, L’99
Andy Nolan, L’98
Lannie Ornburn, L’96
Ryan Peck, L’03
Demetrius Peterson, L’09
Shon Robben, L’94
Rico Robinson, L’19
Suzanne Hale Robinson, L’15
Eli Rosenberg, L’12
Christine Rosengreen, L’06
David Schapker, L’10
Danielle Onions Sediqzad, L’16
David Seely, L’82
Ron Shaver, L’05
Pierce Shimp, L’18
Kenneth Titus, L’14
David Treviño, L’07
Sean Walsh, L’11
Jabari Wamble, L’06
Becky Winterscheidt, L’83
Samantha Woods, L’13
Daniel Yoza, L’08
Katie Zogleman, L’03

Diversity Advisory Council

Mayra Aguirre, L’07
Cynthia Bryant, L’95
Laura Clark Fey, L’92
Amy Fowler, L’00
Rico Kolster, L’00
Pat Konopka, L’94
Jehan Kamil Moore, L’05
Demetrius Peterson, L’09
Melissa Plunkett, L’11
Dru Sampson, L’96
Kelley Sears, L’74
Henry Thomas, L’13
Jabari Wamble, L’06
Issaku Yamaashi, L’00
Alyse Zadalis, L’15
Holly Zane, L’86
Gabe Zorogastua, L’07

6th Semester in D.C.

Brett Brenner, L’94
Shannon Keating, L’13
Becky Weber, L’85

New Members of the KU Law Board of Governors

Brooke Bennett Aziere, L’03
Jonathan Freed, L’02
Michelle Mahaffey, L’96
Brian Markley, L’95
Julie Pine, L’07
Devin Sikes, L’08
Hon. Andrew Stein, L’13
Kathleen Taylor, L’86
Leita Walker, L’06
Stephen Young, L’84

This Volunteer Honor Roll appeared in print in the 2021 KU Law Magazine.

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