Media & the Law Seminar
Conference Agenda
Program Overview
Lies and propaganda are nothing new. But the ability to spread deliberately false information far and wide is at an all-time high. “Deepfake” videos, AI-generated content, anonymous online trolls, and conspiracy theorists are flourishing on social media and the internet, wreaking havoc on civic discourse and the public’s ability to discern fact from fiction. At the same time, the First Amendment provides some degree of protection for false speech and even outright lies, creating friction between the search for the truth, on the one hand, and the need to protect expression on the other. All of this is unfolding amid escalating attempts from those in power to discredit critical reporting by news media as “fake news” and to cast truth-seeking journalists as “enemies of the people.”
Join us for our annual Media and the Law Seminar, where we will convene a panel of legal experts and thought leaders to discuss topics including the impact of a second Trump term on the news media and actual-malice standard, current legal strategies for combating disinformation, emerging IT platforms to address disinformation, the potential for legislation or modifications in jurisprudence to help adapt to the surge of disinformation, ethical pitfalls attorneys face in fighting for the truth and more.
Coming soon.