The Fight for the Truth, Combating disinformation in the post-information age

Media & the Law Seminar

General Conference Information


This year, there are two options for attending the Media & the Law Seminar. You may choose to register for the Thursday evening Bonus Session only, or for both the Thursday Bonus Session and the full-day seminar on Friday.

Thursday only

  • Non KCMBA members - $100 
  • KCMBA members - $75 

Thursday and Friday 

  • Attorney - $385 
  • Non-Attorney - $150 
  • Full time Student – 0.00 

CLE Information

For Missouri, a total of 9.3 CLE credit hours are available, including 1.2 hours of ethics. For Kansas, a total of 9 CLE credit hours are available, including 1 hour of ethics.


The Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association Media Law Committee and the University of Kansas School of Law


Coming soon.

Coordinated by

University of Kansas Jayhawk Hospitality

Program Accessibility

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in University of Kansas educational offerings. If you require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this event, please email or call 785-864-6779 at least three weeks prior to the event start date for registration related questions. If you have seminar related questions, please call 785-864-0175 or email at least three weeks prior to the event start date.

Refund/Cancellation Policy

If you find you are unable to attend, we encourage you to send a qualified substitute and notify us ahead of time if possible. If you find you still need to cancel, a full refund of registration fees, less a $50 administrative fee, will be available if requested in writing at Deadline for refund application will be updated soon. No refunds will be made after that date. A $30 fee also will be charged for returned checks.

Please note that if you fail to cancel by the deadline and do not attend, you are still responsible for payment. KU Jayhawk Global, Academic & Professional Programs, reserves the right to cancel the 37th Annual Media and the Law Seminar and return all fees in the event of insufficient registration. The liability of the University of Kansas is limited to the registration fee. The University of Kansas will not be responsible for any losses incurred by registrants, including but not limited to airline cancellation charges or hotel deposits.

Privacy Policy

Jayhawk Hospitality and Jayhawk Global do not share, sell or rent their mailing lists. You have our assurance that any information you provide will be held in confidence by us. 

We occasionally use mailing lists that we have leased. If you receive unwanted communication from Jayhawk Hospitality or Jayhawk Global, it is because your name appears on a list we have acquired from another source. In this case, please accept our apologies.

Nondiscrimination Policy

The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies and procedures and is the Title IX Coordinator for all KU and KUMC campuses: Associate Vice Chancellor for the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX,, Room 1082, Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-6414, 711 TTY. Reports can be submitted by contacting the Title IX Coordinator as provided herein or online and complaints can be submitted with the Title IX Coordinator or online.