Christopher L. Steadham

- Assistant Director
- Senior Research Librarian
Contact Info
Biography —
Chris Steadham is a 2004 graduate of the University of Kansas School of Law and a 2007 graduate of the Emporia State University School of Library & Information Management. He has extensive legal research experience and was named director of the Wheat Law Library in 2016. In 2025, he transitioned to his current role of assistant director and senior research librarian. Steadham teaches the Kansas Supreme Court Research Practicum, Advanced Legal Research and Topics in Advanced Legal Research. He currently serves as the Vice-President/President-Elect for the Mid-America Association of Law Libraries.
Education —
Research —
- Legal research education
- Information literacy
Career History
Director, Wheat Law Library, University of Kansas, 2016-present; Interim Director, Wheat Law Library, University of Kansas, 2014-2016; Associate Director, Wheat Law Library, University of Kansas, 2011-2014; Interim Associate Director, Wheat Law Library, University of Kansas, 2010-2011; Faculty Services & Research Librarian, Wheat Law Library, University of Kansas, 2007-2011; Faculty Services & Research Attorney, 2006-2007; Research & Reference Services Attorney, 2004-2006.
Teaching —
Advanced Legal Research, Kansas Supreme Court Research Practicum, Topics in Advanced Legal Research
Selected Publications —
- “Land Description Errors: Recognition, Avoidance, and Consequences,” 78 (8) Journal of the Kansas Bar Association 20 (September 2009) (with John C. Peck) (republished at 46(2) Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Journal 253 & 55(1) Landman 34
- “Kansas Legal Research Teacher’s Manual” (Carolina Academic Press, 2009) (with Joseph A. Custer)
- “Ethical Concerns Regarding Fees & Billing,” Chapter 7 in Kansas Ethics Handbook (KBA 2d ed., 2009) (with M.H. Hoeflich)
- “Ethical Considerations Regarding Lawyer Advertising & Solicitation,” Chapter 10 in Kansas Ethics Handbook (KBA 2d ed. 2009) (with M.H. Hoeflich)
- “Kansas Legal Research” (Carolina Academic Press, 2008) (with Joseph A. Custer)
Selected Presentations —
- “Gaming the Ghost in the Machine,” co-presenter at Mid-America Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 2019
- “Poster: The Gamification of the Legal Research Classroom,” co-presenter at Mid-America Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN, October 2018
- “Beyond Orientation: Building Research Programs for Continued Engagement,” co-presenter at MAALL, LLAW, MichALL, MALL, and CALL Joint Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, October 2017
- “Staying Up to Date in Times of Change: Aligning the Modern Law Library With Larger Institutional Goals,” co-presenter at Mid-America Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO, October 2015
Memberships —
American Association of Law Libraries, Kansas City Association of Law Libraries, Mid-America Association of Law Libraries