Liam Bigbee - Dean's Fellows

3L, Seattle, Washington | Texas Christian University
Hello everyone and welcome to KU Law!
The Dean's Fellows and I are so excited to have you in Green Hall. A little bit about me, I am from Seattle, Washington. I was there for 18 years before getting sick of the rain and decided to attend TCU for my undergraduate degree. I studied business management and Spanish at TCU and really wasn't sure about coming to law school. Luckily, I made the plunge because these past couple of years at KU Law have been the best of my life.
Some of the experiences I have enjoyed in law school include the 1L oral arguments, bluebook relays, traffic court, intramurals, transactional law competition and the overall community that I have found in law school.
Some pieces of advice as you start your law school journey:
- Treat law school like a job. Whether that looks like a nine-to-five or eight-to-four, that's up to you. Law school is a full-time job and that is the attitude you should have.
- Be social (if that's your thing). The beauty of law school is that it brings different people together. Embrace the new faces and people you will meet along the way.
- Finally, have fun. I know it's hard to believe you will have time for that but I promise you will. Enjoy Lawrence, go to a football game or a tailgate, whatever it is you like to do, make time for yourself.
Law school is not easy. However, you have a great community in Green Hall to guide you through it. We are so excited for you to start. If you have any questions or want to hear more about my experience, feel free to reach out at 425 395 6929 or