Alex Nelson - Student Ambassador

2L | Stillwater, Minnesota | Cornell College | He/Him
Greetings! My name is Alex Nelson, and I am a 2L from Stillwater, Minnesota. If we ever get the chance to talk in person, I’m sure you’ll be able to hear my Minnesota accent.
I went to undergrad at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, where I majored in Philosophy and Spanish. I’m still very passionate about both of these subjects and engage with them during my free time.
I worked for two years after attending college. I had planned on going to law school during my entire undergraduate career, until the last few months of my senior year. During that time, I wasn’t sure that law school was right step for me, so I decided to take some time to go work. I spent one year at the Kansas City Public Library working as a project coordinator and one year at the Kansas Bar Association as an Administrative Specialist. Both of those experiences were incredibly valuable and helped me learn a lot about myself and my professional goals.
When I made the decision to apply to law school, I had a certain type of environment in mind. I wanted to be somewhere that was intellectually challenging and at the same time positive and encouraging. KU law is a perfect blend of these two things. Everyone is committed to everyone else’s success. While law school is an inherently individualistic endeavor, everybody from classmates to professors supports each other, and this creates a wonderful environment to learn and grow in.
I would be more than happy to answer any questions about KU Law (or just law school in general!)